Native Plants

Fothergilla – Hamamelidaceae

Fothergilla, commonly known as witch hazel, is a native shrub in woodlands of the eastern United States. It is a genus of the shrub family Hamamelidaceae. Within this family are two subspecies, Fothergilla Major and Fothergilla gardenii (Mt Airy). The two species are very similar, except for flower size, leaf base symmetry, and mature overall plant size and habit.

Native Viburnums

Viburnums, renowned for their white and many times fragrant flowers, fall color and berries, have long been popular shrubs. They are plants that just keep giving during all the garden seasons. Even though they bloom in the springtime, their flowers develop into berries providing food and nectar to a variety of wildlife providing sustenance, and their branching habit and foliage transforms into delightful autumn colors.

Spiderwort – tradescantia virginiana

An interesting and long-blooming perennial for native plant gardens, woodland or shade gardens, wild gardens or naturalized areas. Virginia spiderwort inhabits dry upland forests, rocky open woods, and wood edges, typically in acid soils. It seems to prefer shaded situations but can sometimes be found in full sun. This species adapts well to cultivation, is easy to grow, and reliably makes an attractive garden specimen.

By |2019-04-27T14:43:04-04:00April 27th, 2019|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Celebrate Earth Day 2019

The Earth and its ecosystems are our home. In order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth. April 22nd, Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet’s environment and raise public awareness about pollution.

By |2019-04-20T11:32:26-04:00April 20th, 2019|Native Plants, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|

Native Gardening with Geraniums

Cranesbill, or commonly known as geranium are a perfect choice for someone looking to add a touch of color to the garden this year. With a diverse selection within it's genus, it is a great choice for a native plant to provide an array of colors while attracting a diverse selection of wildlife at the same time. Varieties range in their uses, and with over 400 species resistant to pests, geranium are a perfect plant for a novice gardener looking for an easy to handle, hardy flower that spread easily. Utilizing many low growing, carpet like plants like geranium in your garden is a cost efficient way to fill in areas while also vastly improving the appearance of the area. At the same time, cranesbills make for very fragrant flowers that have no trouble attracting and feeding plenty of welcome garden guests, like butterflies and bees.

By |2019-03-17T13:48:40-04:00March 17th, 2019|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Golden Ragwort – Packera Aurea

A native plant of North America, Golden ragwort is an easily grown garden plant with large clusters of yellow flowers that brighten shady areas of the spring garden. This species is very widely distributed in the eastern North America in USDA hardiness zones 3 – 9. Habitats include wet deciduous woods, meadows, banks of rivers, streams and lakes, slopes of rocky ravines, and roadsides.

By |2019-02-04T14:28:26-05:00February 4th, 2019|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Greek Valerian (Jacob’s Ladder)

Cynoglossum virginianum, also known as the wild comfrey, is a plant native to North America. It is also sometimes called the blue houndstongue. The drooping, tubular, pink flowers of Common Comfrey are a familiar sight to many gardeners. Sometimes considered a 'weed', this hairy plant can be used as an organic fertilizer and a form of slug control.

By |2019-01-04T12:52:40-05:00January 4th, 2019|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|
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