NJLCA Native Plant Seminar

NJLCA Native Plant Seminar

Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

“Thank you so much for giving our members an excellent presentation on Native Plants and for being so open to doing it at the last minute! You are truly a rock star!”

Landscaping with Native Plants

I wanted to share with you this thank you note from the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association. Michael was recently approached by the NJLCA with a request to fill in and give a Native Plants Presentation at a seminar they were holding when their featured presenter/speaker had to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances.

NJLCA thank you noteI was humbled as it was indeed an honor to be asked to speak at this seminar about my passions. At Lincoln Landscaping we seek to engage, to inspire, to educate and to foster pleasure in outdoor living spaces.

There are many benefits to using native plants in your landscape — for you, for your community, and for wildlife. With habitat disappearing at an alarming rate, you can help provide wildlife with an oasis of the habitat they need to thrive. The native plants that you use can meet the needs, including food and cover, of native wildlife without causing long-term damage to local plant communities. With the right diversity of native plants in your urban landscape, you can provide.

In this day and age; North American native plants, defined as those that existed here without human introduction, are disappearing at an alarming rate due to human activities, such as urban development, agribusiness and the introduction of invasive species. The loss of native plant communities has reduced wildlife habitat and the genetic diversity necessary for balanced ecosystems.

Unlike many non-native plants, native plants introduced into landscape plantings are hardy, less susceptible to pests and diseases and unlikely to escape and become invasive. With properly selected native plants, it may not be necessary to modify soil characteristics at all to have thriving gardens. The great variety of plants native to any region give gardeners options that work well in any type of garden design. Because maintaining native plants requires less work, they provide excellent choices for large commercial landscapes as well as residential gardens.

Lincoln Landscaping – THE NATURAL CHOICE – for native plantings in Bergen County.

At Lincoln Landscaping cultivating the environment is our life and livelihood. It is our number one goal to help our clients create and maintain beautiful landscapes while reducing the impact on the environment. Whether you are interested in a pollinator landscape garden design and build or other landscaping or property management project; we can create for you an environmentally friendly, organic and beautiful property.

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO



(201) 848-9699

NOFA Certification - Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Lanscaping