Pennies From Heaven – Rain Barrels

A rain barrel is a system that collects and stores rainwater from the roof, then dispenses it via a spigot or hose. Collecting rain is relatively simple and cheap, and it also sends a strong message about the importance of water conservation

As an idiom, pennies from heaven means unexpected good luck or good fortune; indeed, it’s often used to indicate a benefit that is financial in nature. Typically, the expression is used to describe an advantage that in addition to being unanticipated is also greatly needed and thus extremely appreciated.

A rain barrel is a system that collects and stores rainwater from the roof, then dispenses it via a spigot or hose. Collecting rain is relatively simple and cheap, and it also sends a strong message about the importance of water conservation. Rain barrels can save an estimated 1,300 gallons of water for homeowners during the peak summer months

Because rainwater contains no chlorine, lime, or calcium, it is ideal for watering gardens. Additionally, because some cities or towns ban watering during times of dry weather, in certain places a rain barrel may be the only way to maintain a garden.

“When it’s raining, your garden is getting the water it needs. Rain barrels come into use during periods of drought, when you would have to resort to using water from your house to water your garden. In many areas, these periods of drought bring area-wide water shortages, where citizens are asked to conserve water as much as possible.”

Sustainable Landscaping

Environmentally, there are numerous benefits to using rain barrels. Water collected in a rain barrel would otherwise run or drain off the roof and become stormwater runoff, which is problematic. When excess water is directed into storm-drains the streams that they feed into are subjected to sudden surges of water, causing erosion and flooding. If your roof’s area is 1,200 square feet (30 x 40 feet), then 1 inch of rain equals more than 700 gallons! You can harvest this rainwater which otherwise would be lost to runoff. To harvest even more rainwater, you can connect several barrels in a series and have 100s of gallons of water capacity. In a national survey by DC Urban Gardeners, a rain barrel lowered water bills by about $35 a month in the summer.

Whether you need to water your plants or wash your windows, you’ll find rainwater ideal for the task. Unlike treated water from your tap, rainwater is free of chlorine and chloramines, chemicals added to water to make it safe for human consumption. Rainwater is also free of salt, which can build up in the roots of your plants when they’re watered with tap water. By supplementing your watering needs with rainwater, you’ll flush salts further down into the soil, making the soil healthier for your plants. Another added benefit of using a rain barrel is that because rainwater is relatively free of minerals, it’s ideal for car and window-washing, as minerals from hard water often cause spotting on the glass.

Rain barrels and and rain barrel kits are available priced from around $125 through $250 for one that is adequate for the average homeowner.

Once you have obtained your barrel you’ll need these basic tools:

1 – Power drill with hole bit (1/16 inch smaller than faucet insert) and pilot drill bit. (A 3⁄4” faucet measures 1” on outside, so you need a 15/16” hole bit)

2 – Pliers to tighten washers

3 – Paper towels (for excess caulk)

4 -Utility knife or small saber saw to cut lid

5 – Scissors to cut screening

6 – Hacksaw to shorten downspout

7 – Screwdriver for hose clamp

Environmentally, there are numerous benefits to using rain barrels. Water collected in a rain barrel would otherwise run or drain off the roof and become stormwater runoff, which is problematic.

If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can find a complete materials list and directions for making your own rain barrel on the Clean Virginia Waterways Longwood University website by following the link to the right or you can let Lincoln Landscaping do it for you.

You can also visit the Official Website of Bergen County Utilities Authority where you can find information on how to receive a substantially discounted rain barrel through their BCAU RAINBARREL PROGRAM through which Bergen County residents can obtain up to four (4) rain barrels. They offer the Norseman Plastics Systern Rain Barrel with a 55 Gallon capacity and the Rain Water Solutions Moby Rain Barrel with a 65 Gallon capacity; both of which are 1/2 priced to residents of Bergen County. An excellent deal and one that’s not only good for the environment but good for your health as well.

Bergen County Utilities Authority is offering the following rain barrels to Bergen County residents at a discounted price with a limit of four barrels per resident

At Lincoln Landscaping cultivating the environment is our life and livelihood. It is our number one goal to help our clients create and maintain beautiful landscapes while reducing the impact on the environment. Whether you are interested in a pollinator landscape garden design and build or other landscaping or property management project; we can create for you an environmentally friendly, organic and beautiful property.

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO

(201) 848-9699

NOFA Certification - Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Lanscaping