Compost Tea Workshop Presentation

by Mike Kolenut – Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Rutgers University

Compost Tea, in fact, is all the rave for gardeners who repeatedly attest to higher quality vegetables, flowers, and foliage. Compost tea is an aerobic water solution that has extracted the microbe population from compost along with the nutrients.

compost tea seminar by Lincoln Landscaping

compost tea

In simple terms, it is a concentrated liquid created by a process to increase the numbers of beneficial organisms as an organic approach to plant/soil care.

Very simply, it is a liquid, nutritionally rich, well-balanced, organic supplement made by steeping aged compost in water.

Still a little confused, well take this workshop presented at Rutgers University by Organic Consultant Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Landscaping in Franklin Lakes for an in-depth understanding of Compost Tea and its use within landscaping and gardening.