Residential Turf Management in Bergen County

Organic Residential Turf Management - Lincoln Landscaping

Organic Residential Lawn Maintenance

As You see we have developed a wonderful turf system, on this home in Franklin lakes NJ. We received a call three years ago, after a chemical company had wreaked havoc, and huge burn spots were prevalent throughout out the entire lawn, caused by a highly toxic herbicide sprayed in high heat conditions.

Our first step was to take a soil sample. Imbalances in soil PH, calcium deficiencies, low organic matter were noted and rectified. In the process we found a compaction issue and the maintenance company, was employing poor cultural practices.

We talked to the client, we took over the cutting and the maintenance of the property. Thus in three seasons we turned the property around from the worst property on the block, to the green, healthy and vibrant turf You see here in this picture.

If You would like your turf to look like this, employing a  safe organic program, call  Lincoln Landscaping today, for a free evaluation.

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO

(201) 848-9699