“If a healthy soil is full of death, it is also full of life: worms, fungi, microorganisms of all kinds … Given only the health of the soil, nothing that dies is dead for very long.”
It Lives Beneath
Right below your feet, it’s a whole new world. A world teeming with life. What we are talking about is the organic components of the soil that sets it apart from a heap of sand, silt and clay. Found within one (1) teaspoon can be up to a billion micro-organisms. All with a purpose and all alive. This therein becomes the key to soil ferility.
As a nutrient store it gradually provides essential elements which the soil cannot retain for long in inorganic form. It provides a buffer zone for growing plants against sudden changes in the chemical environment and preserves moisture during dry spells. These micro-organisms convert the soil into a friable, easily penetrated physical condition, well-aerated and free draining, providing young seedlings with an excellent medium for growth.
The organic matter you see lying on the surface protects the soils in its own ways; such as the harmful effects of rainfall, wind and constant sun. Removing of the organic residue has a negative impact upon the soil, as it is now deprived not only of the cover, but the benefits from the decomposition of the same.
These living micro-organisms are needed for several reasons. It is always good to have a good, rotating supply of nutrients on a steady scheduled timeline and as agents to improve soil structure and prevent erosion. Thus, as a source of revolving nourishment, this organic matter is a storehouse of plant nutrients. Upon decomposition, nutrients are released in a plant-available form.
Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO
(201) 848-9699