Organic Vegetable Gardening by Mike Kolenut

Organic Gardening in Bergen County by Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Landscaping

Want A Vegetable Garden Like This One?

Spring is certainly “roaring in like a lion”; however look on the bright side, it gives you a little extra time to prepare an organic vegetable garden for you, the family and children and yes even your pets. In fact, we have trained our dog to love organic carrots. If we toss her a carrot grown with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides from the grocery store, she will not even touch it. Then give her one of our home-grown carrots and “it’s chow time”. She loves them.

Almost all of us—probably in grade school—planted a seed in a cup of dirt, watered it, and watched it grow. But creating a garden that produces fresh food and flowers all season is not so elementary—especially to those who did not grow up gardening.

Organic vegetable gardening means you won’t use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, but that doesn’t mean your plants fend for themselves. In order to get the best results with your new organic garden, you’ll want to make sure the soil is properly conditioned. You have to eat, and so do plants, so make sure your veggies get lots of fresh nutrients. Healthy soil helps build up strong, productive plants. Chemical soil treatments can not only seep into your food, but they can also harm the beneficial bacteria, worms, and other microbes in the soil.

Organic Vegetable Gardening in Bergen County - Spring Cold Crops

Organic Vegetable Gardening Raised Beds - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Organic Gardening Spring Lettuce - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Raised beds and square foot gardening have allowed non-traditional spaces to productive while being both tidy and clean. Lettuce, carrots, radishes and beets can be started under basement grow lights or you can obtain quality packs, flats and seeds from your local garden center. This will get you started during the month of April.

In May we will plant our tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, peas, string beans, squash, cucumbers, fennel and dill in the garden. Just keep an eye on the temperatures at night, usually the last frost or frost date coincides with the Mother’s Day weekend. Then again check your local forecast and plant accordingly

Here at Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes in New Jersey we can design and build vegetable garden planting areas and locate and obtain organic heirloom seeds and plants. Oh, you have deer issues? No problem. We can overcome any obstacle or challenge that comes along by working together.

By following and implementing our organic garden principles and practices, you too can enjoy a bountiful harvest like the ones shown below.

Organic Vegetable Gardening Harvest - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Organic Gardening Beneficial Insects - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Organic Vegetable Gardening Harvest - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Organic turf, tree, and shrub care is our specialty. By implementing sustainable landscaping and gardening with native trees and shrubs, plants and perennials, you can enjoy the many benefits of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, all of whom are natural pest deterrents in themselves. There’s no need to use powerful poisons to protect your garden from insects and diseases. In the short term they may provide a quick knock-down to the attackers, but they also kill beneficial organisms.

Some examples of our organic gardening principles, practices, and results may be viewed online on our Organic Gardening Page. An example of which is shown below.

Still not convinced to try organic gardening? Check out a book from our “organic library” to read.

Call us today for a free consultation or complete the form utilizing the fly-out form accessible via the envelope on the right side of the page.

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO
Providing Leadership in Organic Land Care

(201) 848-9699

NOFA Certification - Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Lanscaping