Lincoln Landscaping – “What is soil biology?”
Soil biology is the study of microbial and faunal activity and ecology in soil. Soil life, soil biota, soil fauna, or edaphon is a collective term that encompasses all the organisms that spend a significant portion of their life cycle within a soil profile, or at the soil-litter interface. These organisms include earthworms, nematodes, protozoa, fungi, bacteria and different arthropods. Soil biology plays a vital role in determining many soil characteristics. The decomposition of organic matter by soil organisms has an immense influence on soil fertility, plant growth, soil structure, and carbon storage.
The soil is home to a large proportion of the world’s biodiversity. The links between soil organisms and soil functions are observed to be incredibly complex. The interconnectedness and complexity of this soil ‘food web’ means any appraisal of soil function must necessarily take into account interactions with the living communities that exist within the soil. We know that soil organisms break down organic matter, making nutrients available for uptake by plants and other organisms. The nutrients stored in the bodies of soil organisms prevent nutrient loss by leaching.
Microbial exudates act to maintain soil structure, and earthworms are important in bioturbation. In balanced soil, plants grow in an active and steady environment. The mineral content of the soil and its heartiful structure are important for their well-being, but it is the life in the earth that powers its cycles and provides its fertility. Without the activities of soil organisms, organic materials would accumulate and litter the soil surface, and there would be no food for plants.
At Lincoln Landscaping we practice, preach, and live in an ORGANIC MANNER with regards to our environment. We nurture our earth and sustain its abilities to the maximum to produce healthy vegetables and produce, provide a healthy growing medium for our landscaped beds and utilize soil biology to maintain a “green” and “organic” lawn the way Mother Nature intended.
The images below show the diverse and complex micro-organisms that live and thrive within the soil upon which we trod, farm, and depend upon for survival as a species….
Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO
(201) 848-9699