
Spring Lawn Care

While spring is in the air, your yard may still be looking quite bare without proper care. Make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood with these tips for maintenance throughout the season. To obtain optimum performance from your lawn it is important to employ the appropriate management practices at the correct times of year. As the world outside finally begins to turn green after a long winter, it’s time once again to pay attention to your lawn. To create a thriving, beautiful lawn, you need to hit the ground running in the spring. Here are some of the best practices for a beautiful lawn you can employ this spring and summer.

By |2025-03-02T22:33:06-05:00March 2nd, 2025|Lawn and Turf, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|

What goes on in the soil during winter

Winter has arrived, which once again brings to mind how as a young boy I’d be looking out the kitchen window at the now barren landscape wondering what goes on in the soil over the winter? Eventually I’d end up outside with a shovel, but all I ever got was a sore foot from trying to drive the shovel deeper to see what I could find. After the first snowfall, the soil lies beneath, frozen in a rock-like crust. At first glance it seems lifeless and barren; but millions upon millions of micro-organisms are there, all eager to provide a buffet of nutrients once warm weather returns.

By |2025-02-07T07:58:34-05:00February 7th, 2025|Gardening, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|

Treating Root Collar Disorder

The root collar of a tree can be defined as an area of the lower trunk that transitions from trunk tissue to root tissue. It is typically associated with the basal flare, or the trunk flare of the tree, which is the wider portion of trunk that insects the ground. Healthy tree trunks typically have a well-defined trunk flare at the ground level. However, many urban trees don’t have an identifiable trunk flare at the soil surface.

By |2024-10-18T12:35:26-04:00October 18th, 2024|Landscaping, Maintenance, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|

Go native with plants: Nature’s solution for water conservation

A water-efficient landscape has functional lawn areas that are irrigated properly and plants grouped and irrigated according to their water needs. Plants native to our region can help with landscape water conservation because they are adapted to our climatic growing area, and they can be watered less frequently than landscape plants native to other growing zones.

Organic Land Care Concepts

Organic land care is not simply about the type of fertilizer or pesticide used on a home landscape. It is a holistic approach to landscaping that improves the natural resources of a site by fostering cycling of resources, promoting ecological balance, and conserving biodiversity. Organic, in particular, means landscaping with no synthetic pesticides of any kind (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) and with no synthetic fertilizers or soil amendments.

Everyday Should Be Earth Day

Started in 1970, this designated day of April 22 has become an annual reminder of our responsibility to be good stewards of the Earth. You can contribute to a healthier Earth in multiple ways: utilize native plants in a garden, plant a tree, purchase biodegradable products and avoid pesticides of any kind, practice organic and sustainable principles at home, and commit to reduce, reuse and recycle.

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