Michael Kolenut

About M Kolenut

Michael E. Kolenut, President of Lincoln Landscaping Inc, is a certified Organic Consultant. A NOFA registered Organic Company, I have the distinct honor to teach a leg of the NJ Organic Land Care program at Rutgers University to other landscapers who are trying to learn a better way to serve their clients. Come and partner with us to do the right thing for you, your children, your pets, and your community. Our company mission is to get these organics out to you, the client at a fair, most times cost neutral with a chemical program

What goes on in the soil during winter

Winter has arrived, which once again brings to mind how as a young boy I’d be looking out the kitchen window at the now barren landscape wondering what goes on in the soil over the winter? Eventually I’d end up outside with a shovel, but all I ever got was a sore foot from trying to drive the shovel deeper to see what I could find. After the first snowfall, the soil lies beneath, frozen in a rock-like crust. At first glance it seems lifeless and barren; but millions upon millions of micro-organisms are there, all eager to provide a buffet of nutrients once warm weather returns.

By |2025-02-07T07:58:34-05:00February 7th, 2025|Gardening, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|
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