Aerated Static Pile Composting
Why Choose Aerated Static Pile Composting?
An aerated static pile is both the simplest and most inexpensive way to compost any large volume of organic material. An aerated static pile system is ideal for any facility that manages large quantities of any yard debris like grass clippings, manure, food scraps, and many other organic materials.
Static piles are aerated by layers of loose material that allow air to pass through the pile, such as wood chips, shredded newspaper, leaves, or even straw. All of these help retain heat within the pile and add to the carbon makeup of the pile. Air can typically be controlled through use of air blowers that run under the pile. Proper air circulation, temperatures, and moisture are all key aspects to achieving high quality compost with this method.
A static pile can produce a high quality and organic compost in three to six months. However, there are certain steps you must take depending on the climate of your area when converting to a aerated static pile. In hot arid climates, you will usually have to cover your pile to stop the moisture from evaporating. When in a cold climate, you may have to place the pile indoors and have proper ventilation, since aeration is more difficult in the cold.
With a static pile, you can eliminate all odors usually caused from composting simply by placing a layer of already finished compost as the top-most layer of your pile. You can further reduce odors by filtering the air drawn by the air blower with more already finished compost.
For the best results when composting with an aerated static pile, your pile should have:
– 2/3 of the pile is bulking agents (leaves, wood chips, straw)
– A temperature of 120°F to 140°F
– Moisture content of about 40 to 65 percent
– pH of 6.5 to 8.0
– Bulk density of 1000 lbs/cu. yard
– C:N ratio of 25:1 to 35:1
See the results for yourself. Perfect compost for top dressing, compost tea, and for any soil amendments.
Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO
(201) 848-9699