GREEN LIVING- “compost tea application”

My son Kristopher in North Carolina brewing and spraying Compost Tea.

This Acorn Did Not Fall Far from the tree; but as is often True to “nature” ended up elsewhere, carried there in the streams of time, adrift in the currents of growth.

christopher kolenut compost tea applicationAcorns may not FALL far from the tree, BUT, a squirrel can snatch up that acorn and bury it with completely different trees, or a creek can come and take it to a completely different place, or a gust of wind may blow it down a hill to who knows where . The acorn then may grow up and notice physical things similar to themselves and other acorn trees, but that does not MEAN they will be anything LIKE the other acorn trees.

The phrase is supposed to mean that you will always have similarities to your original family in some way at some time. At Lincoln Landscaping we strive to educate all whom we come in contact with as to the benefits of “green living” and understanding “organics” and how it improves the environment. After all, we are in essence “one big family”; no matter where we are or who we are. We share this planet we call “earth” and it is in our best interests to take care of it.

Seeing the “fruits of our endeavours” grasping and understanding the concepts of “green and environmentally friendly living practices” makes it all worthwhile…

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO

(201) 848-9699