Wild Black Currant | Ribes americanum

Ribes americanum, or the Wild Black Currant, is a flowering shrub that is native to most of North America.

Sustainable Landscaping with Native Plants

Wild Black Currant | Ribes americanum
Common Name | Wild Black Currant
Botanical Name | Ribes americanum
Native of Eastern U.S.

Ribes americanum, or the Wild Black Currant, is a flowering shrub that is native to most of North America. With a mature height of three to six feet tall, it has erect branches lacking spines, on multiple stems. The simple, three to five lobed alternate leaves are one to three inches wide and gland-dotted beneath. It is both a pollinator plant and also a host plant for beneficial insects.

Black Currant is valued for its foliage and its fragrant yellow flowers which bloom in May. Black berries appear in late summer. Hummingbirds feed on nectar and other birds eat the berries. The leaves are food for the caterpillars of the Green Comma Butterfly ( Polygonia faunas) and the larvae of the Currant Fruit Fly ( Euphantra canadensis), and a variety of wildlife, including birds, squirrels, and chipmunks.

Hummingbirds feed on nectar and other birds eat the berries.

At Lincoln Landscaping cultivating the environment is our life and livelihood. It is our number one goal to help our clients create and maintain beautiful landscapes while reducing the impact on the environment. Whether you are interested in a pollinator landscape garden design and build or other landscaping or property management project; we can create for you an environmentally friendly, organic and beautiful property. We create eco-systems.

Yua Tah Hey

(A traditional greeting in Navajo, often spelled yá át tééh, which translates generally as “it is good.”)

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO



(201) 848-9699

NOFA Certification - Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Lanscaping