Sustainability & Organic Landscaping Principles
At Lincoln Landscaping Inc. we have learned the organic process and have a way to develop organic turf, and gardens that really work. Our properties whether residential, commercial or schools are living examples that organics really work. Come and partner with us to do the right thing for you, your children, your pets, and your community. Our company mission is to get these organics out to you, the client at a fair, most times cost neutral with a chemical program. I invite you to partner up with Lincoln Landscaping Inc. “The natural Choice”.
Our Organic Library of videos, photos, pdfs and slideshows is twofold. Of course we want to show our workmanship and undertakings to you. But we also want to promote sustainable and organic lawn and property maintenance techniques as well as practices. We hope that these videos inspire, educate and possibly guide you towards a solution, perhaps an “organic” way of life.
Yua Tah Hey
(A traditional greeting in Navajo, often spelled yá át tééh, which translates generally as “it is good.”)