Residential Landscaping Design and Build

Septic System Install – Landscape Bed Design & Build – Organic Lawn Installation


As shown in the photos below, this residential setting near Franklin Lakes needed a complete renovation upon completing of the septic tank system installation. The septic installation completely rendered useless any existing lawn areas in the front yard by the fence row along the property line. It devastated the existing shrubbery and plantings along both the bed and the arc incorporated into it.


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Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Landscape Design and Build Contractors in Bergen County - Lincoln Landscaping

Once the septic system was installed we could begin the landscape design and build. To this now tore up front yard we amended the coil with our own blend of organics and composted tea and added some fine grade sifted soil, compost and nutrients and then tilled this growing medium to a minimum depth of 8 inches to establish great root growth.

We then measured and marked off the arcing front bed along the entire span of the fence row by the main road. At the corner we came our approximately 7 ft and arced the bed back into the property.Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes

Our choice of plants for this full sun bed was perennials and masses of them. At the driveway entrance the bed arced as it does on the other side. This area of the bed and the entire span along the fence row is Full Sun and as such we planted masses or russian sage complemented with Rose of Sharon Hibiscus at the driveway entrance. We then planted en masse rudbeckia (black-eyed susans) along side purple coneflower (echinacea). We planted yarrow in smaller groups to complement them with its feather foliage and also utilized daisies into the scheme. Knock Out Roses were planted in a grouping in each corner of the bed for a nice effect as well as midway between the two ends of the bed.

For season long color we planted annuals such as petunia in masses along with blue bells with their small blue bells against the bright yellows and pale oranges of the petunias.

In the arced bed to the right we planted a large caliper weeping deciduous tree and beneath this we massed astilbes complemented with periwinkle and added a Purple Rhododendron. We then added 5 inches of hardwood mulch (untreated with chemicals).

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Landscape Contractors in Franklin Lakes - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

The final phase at last. The lawn renovation began as we were now down traversing the lawn area with out landscaped bed planting. After a feeding of organic fertilizers and the tilling thereof into the lawn soil to an average depth of 4 to 6 inches, we compacted the base lawn with our roller and seeded with Tech Terra’s Low Input Mix with MicroClover.

Tech Terra Low Imput Mixture with MicrocloverTech Terra Low Input Mix Benefits:

  • This mix is perfect for low maintenance areas.
  • The addition of Microclover provides a deep green color even during drought and heat.
  • This mix will pay for itself by reducing the need for fertilizer and irrigation.

Tech Terra Low Imput Mixture with Microclover

  • 49% Turf Type Tall Fescue
    • Two of Firecracker LS, Bullseye, Hot Rod, Titanium LS or equiv.
  • 20% Manhattan 5 GLR Perennial Ryegrass
  • 19% Evening Shade Perennial Ryegrass
  • 4% Microclover
  • 6% Brooklawn Kentucky Bluegrass

The images below show the rapid growth rate of this seed when applied properly to a lawn area with a growing medium adequately and properly fed with 100% Organic Soil Amendments. With proper water techniques and scheduling; the seed was established and showing healthy and strong root structure and leaf within 7 days of planting.

Organic Lawn Renovation in Bergen County

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

Organic Lawn Renovation - Lincoln Landscaping of Franklin Lakes

lincoln landscaping of franklin lakes residential landscaping contractor

perennial bed by lincoln landscaping of franklin lakes

perennial flower bed by lincoln landscaping of franklin lakes

Lincoln Landscaping


for ORGANIC Landscaping Design and Build

Phone: (201) 848-9699

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