Sustainable Landscaping

Organic Land Care Concepts

Organic land care is not simply about the type of fertilizer or pesticide used on a home landscape. It is a holistic approach to landscaping that improves the natural resources of a site by fostering cycling of resources, promoting ecological balance, and conserving biodiversity. Organic, in particular, means landscaping with no synthetic pesticides of any kind (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) and with no synthetic fertilizers or soil amendments.

Everyday Should Be Earth Day

Started in 1970, this designated day of April 22 has become an annual reminder of our responsibility to be good stewards of the Earth. You can contribute to a healthier Earth in multiple ways: utilize native plants in a garden, plant a tree, purchase biodegradable products and avoid pesticides of any kind, practice organic and sustainable principles at home, and commit to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Sustainable Land Care Practices

When it comes to sustainable land care, St Francis of Assisi is considered by many to be the patron saint of those who promote sustainability within nature. This is an imaginary ( or maybe not) conversation between St. Francis and God…as you read this contemplate the thoughts within and see if you don’t start looking at your lawn differently!

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