
School Gardens

The Blossoming Health and Academic Benefits of School Gardens - When in the garden, children who normally would not speak or raise their hand are now engaging in a lesson without being prompted. And the effects seem to last after they leave the garden. The students are scoring better on standardized tests and are just more excited in general about school.

By |2018-12-02T18:02:05-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|

Wild Comfrey

Cynoglossum virginianum, also known as the wild comfrey, is a plant native to North America. It is also sometimes called the blue houndstongue. The drooping, tubular, pink flowers of Common Comfrey are a familiar sight to many gardeners. Sometimes considered a 'weed', this hairy plant can be used as an organic fertilizer and a form of slug control.

By |2018-11-04T13:25:39-05:00November 4th, 2018|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Sedum Ternatum Stonecrop

The crisp fall air heralds the emergence of golden hues, native asters, and graceful meadow grasses in our garden beds; and this season of mists and mellow fruitfulness isn’t complete without autumn colour. One such native plant, whose color lasts through the autumn season and well into the winter is Sedum Ternatum Stonecrop. If you’re looking for a beautiful plant that thrives with virtual neglect, sedum ternatum just might fit the bill. Sedums strut their stuff where many other plants dare not venture.

By |2018-10-29T16:30:11-04:00September 22nd, 2018|Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Fall Berries for Birds – American Holly

Now is the time to start thinking about fall planting in your yard or garden! Many birds such as cardinals, chickadees, bluebirds, robins, cedar waxwings and mockingbirds are year-round residents or migrate south to your area in winter. By planting native berry producing shrubs or trees you will attract these birds and ensure they have food throughout the winter.

By |2023-08-06T15:28:25-04:00August 24th, 2018|Design, Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|
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