
Oh So Sweet Azalea

Sweet azalea is a great shrub for anyone looking for a deciduous, loose branched shrub that is both fragrant and adds great visual appeal with it's elegant white flowers and red pistils. Sweet azalea is not only a great looking shrub during the summer when it has bloomed, but in the autumn months, the foliage of sweet azalea will turn into different shades of red, orange, and yellow, making it a great shrub to have around in the autumn too.

By |2018-10-29T16:30:16-04:00February 5th, 2018|Design, Gardening, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

NOFA Certification – Kris Kolenut

I am very pleased and proud to announce the certification of my son, Kris Kolenut, as a Northeast Organic Farming Association certified Organic Land Care Professional. The limited few who complete and pass these courses and regimen are eligible to become NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professionals (AOLCPs) and pledge to practice according to the NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care for those clients who ask for organic.

Traffic Control with Native Plants

At the one school we service within the Glen Rock Public Schools there was an area that was being utilized as a “cut through” from a parking area to the entrance and to better control traffic flow in a public space for safety and efficiency we were asked to implement a planting of shrubs and perennials utilizing native plantings within the scope of the layout.

By |2018-10-29T16:30:26-04:00June 19th, 2017|Design, Landscaping, Native Plants, Sustainable Landscaping|

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day this year is committed to greening every school in America within a generation. Green schools significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs, improve student and teacher health, and enhance student motivation. With children spending two-thirds of their waking hours inside schools, benefits like pure air quality, healthy lighting, safe outdoor spaces, and high quality cafeteria food aren’t fancy extras – they are essential.

On the Air with Bernadette Giblin

Michael Kolenut, Founder and Owner of Lincoln Landscaping is Live on the Radio with Bernadette Giblin – CEO, Founder & Podcaster at Safeground Organic Analytics.Together they host an hour long online discussion about organic turf management of playing fields (athletic fields) and how municipalities are going organic to create a better and safer environment and also sustainable landscaping and the benefits thereof.

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