Autumn Lawn and Turf Management

Lincoln Landscaping – Sustainable Landscaping

With the summer starting to wrap up and autumn on it’s way in, it’s good to know how to properly tend to your yard in the coming months. Here are the techniques you should use on your lawn and grass to enhance the turf greatly and ensure it looks great in the spring.

1. Out with the Thatch

Start out by de-thatching your yard completely. Any thatch on your yard can block both air and moisture from getting to the roots, and should be the first step you take to revitalize a yard. You should not de-thatch your yard in one pass, but rather lower the tines gradually after several passes until the thatch is loose. If you try to do this too fast you can damage the lawn even more. Make sure to use clean equipment for the job, and to mark any sprinklers in your lawn before de-thatching.

Organic Turf and Lawn Management - Lincoln Landscaping Inc
2. Core Aeration

The health of your soil is the most important aspect of a maintaining a lush green lawn. If the soil isn’t adequate for grass, it can cause further problems from insects, weather, or diseases. Grass does it’s best in soil that is rich and loamy in texture, and also drains well. Compact soils, or soils that are heavy in clay will not drain properly and sandy soils are too dry for grass. You’ll need to aerate the soil once each fall or at least every other fall for the best lawn results. Aeration pulls two to three inch long cores of soil out of the ground, which helps a lot for seeding later; the holes from the removed cores allow water, oxygen and other nutrients to work their way into the soil a lot more. Aeration also helps to keep thatch under control and can be used to loosen compact soil. If the soil is wet or frozen, wait to aerate.

3. Reseeding Your Lawn

Organic Turf and Lawn Management - Lincoln Landscaping Inc

Autumn is when you should be reseeding your fall, as the soil is still warm but the much air is cooler that summer. If you need to fix any bare spots in your yard, simply till the soil, apply the seed, and cover with a compost or peat moss soil amendment. Make sure to keep watering the seeds, because if they turn dry they remain dry.

Over-seeding is a very effective way to bring back any dead spots on your lawn from the dead and make it both thicker and lusher than ever before; the process is done simply spreading more grass seed on top of an existing lawn. If done properly, it’s a very simple process that will drastically improves lawn results. It can help improve both heat and drought tolerance, and will bring back the thick grass you once had. Grasses will always thin with age, and over-seeding is a great way to bring your yard back to it’s former self without ever having to fully replace it.

4. Clean Up!

Remove any leaves, sticks, nutshells, stems, or other debris that might end up in your yard. All these can block sunlight from getting to your grass, and it’s important to keep your grass in the best shape for the winter. Even while dormant, a lawn needs to be fertilized. Finally, use any stage 4 winterizer to ensure your grass is able to effectively resist the cold months and turn out a lush green come spring.

Autumn Turf and Lawn Management - Lincoln Landscaping IncStudies have shown that Americans apply approximately 70 MILLION pounds of pesticides to their landscapes, lawns and gardens each year!

In order to be the envy of the neighborhood with lush greenery we sacrifice the environment not only ourselves but for birds and other wildlife and our water resources are adversely affected as well.

As you can see, a great lawn is only four steps away. At Lincoln Landscaping we hope your yard will benefit from these tips, and are willing to provide any of these services for your lawn to ensure lush green grass in the coming spring utilizing organic methods.

Lincoln Landscaping “The Natural Choice”
Mike Kolenut President & CEO

(201) 848-9699

NOFA Certification - Michael Kolenut of Lincoln Lanscaping