Michael Kolenut

About M Kolenut

Michael E. Kolenut, President of Lincoln Landscaping Inc, is a certified Organic Consultant. A NOFA registered Organic Company, I have the distinct honor to teach a leg of the NJ Organic Land Care program at Rutgers University to other landscapers who are trying to learn a better way to serve their clients. Come and partner with us to do the right thing for you, your children, your pets, and your community. Our company mission is to get these organics out to you, the client at a fair, most times cost neutral with a chemical program

Aerated Static Pile Composting

An aerated static pile is both the simplest and most inexpensive way to compost any large volume of organic material. An aerated static pile system is ideal for any facility that manages large quantities of any yard debris, manure, food scraps, and many other organic materials.

By |2018-10-29T16:30:18-04:00November 15th, 2017|Organics, Sustainable Landscaping|
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